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Farewell Olympia and our life of luxuary.
The days are counting down and we are constantly being reminded of how accustomed to Olympia we have become.
We walk around our favorite routes, we enjoy the annual pet parade and we come home to our most stable residence in recent years.
As we give away or sell the things we cannot fit in a suitcase we have both began to feel lighter but sometimes our attachments to 'things' goes deep.
In my case my trusty hand tools i have used for almost ten years now cannot be sold, so in to a coffin like box in storage they go!
On the other hand, Ami has had so much strife from our printer that she chose to beat it to death!
Retribution for all the paper jams, printing errors and other insults to her person over the years!
It felt good to see justice done!
On Tuesday we get the paperwork done and the house title changes owners; it's the one 'thing' we are both going to remember and miss the soonest.
But next, climbing Mountains!